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[] Moon and sun face pendant, Q7-P6, 1 piece, 21x18mm including 1.4mm close loop, 16K gold plated brass, Nickel free, CZ pendant, Round charm

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Basic Information
Product Moon and sun face pendant, Q7-P6, 1 piece, 21x18mm including 1.4mm close loop, 16K gold plated brass, Nickel free, CZ pendant, Round charm
Model Q7-P6
Price $2.94
Country of Origin Republic of Korea
Shipping method Parcel Service
Inventory amount 2 in stock
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Moon and sun face pendant, Q7-P6, 1 piece, 21x18mm including 1.4mm close loop, 16K gold plated brass, Nickel free, CZ pendant, Round charm up down 2.94 (  )
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Product Details

Material: Brass, Cubic zirconia

Color: 16K gold plating, Clear

Size: 21x18mm including 1.4mm close loop

Quantity: 1 piece

** Please convo us for raw or other colors

** Perfectly match with CJ43-07


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